One day at a time

Clients can complete the daily questionnaire for a given day only on that specific day. Here’s why.

Every day ClaimData prompts your clients to report how their symptoms affected their activities that day. The emphasis is always on recording functional impairments that result from a client’s symptoms rather than simply recording subjective states like pain or fatigue.

A key feature of ClaimData is that clients can only provide information for a given day on that day. For example, they can’t submit answers for Friday on Saturday. They can only submit their answers for Friday on Friday.

This apparent limitation is intentional. Clients must provide their report about a given day while that day is fresh in their mind. This means that you receive the most accurate data possible about their functioning.

To further ensure the credibility and utility of this information, with every daily submission the software requires clients to affirm that they have reported their responses accurately and truthfully to the best of their ability. ClaimData effectively allows your client to “testify” about their experience every day as it actually happens.

Of course, on some days clients will have such severe symptoms that they simply can’t do the survey. In those instances, when a client misses a day, the following day ClaimData sends them an automated message the prompts them to explain why they missed the previous day. That way, if they missed the previous day due to especially severe symptoms, this important evidence is still captured and documented.

I care about injured people and the attorneys who represent them

If you can think of any way that ClaimData can better help you do this important work, please get in touch. I created ClaimData to help attorneys like myself and the clients we have the privilege to represent. Thank you for representing the sick and injured.

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